Marketing Information System

Explain the Benefits of marketing information system (MIS) to small organizations.

A marketing information system (MIS) is a set of procedures and methods used to gather, analyse and interpret marketing data. This data is then used to make marketing decisions and develop marketing strategies. The main purpose of an MIS is to provide a comprehensive view of a company’s marketing environment, customers and competition in order to make informed decisions about the company’s marketing activities. MIS is becoming increasingly important for small organisations in today’s business environment. This article will discuss the benefits of marketing information systems to small organisations.

Improved Decision Making

The primary benefit of an marketing information system (MIS) is that it provides the information needed to make better decisions. With the right MIS in place, small organisations can gain access to timely and accurate data that can be used to make informed decisions. An MIS can provide data on customer preferences, market trends, competitor behaviour and other important factors that can help organisations make decisions that will lead to better results. An MIS can also help organisations identify new opportunities and develop strategies to take advantage of them.

Increased Efficiency

An marketing information system (MIS) can also help small organisations become more efficient by providing data that can be used to streamline processes. By collecting and analysing data from various sources, an MIS can provide organisations with insights into their operations and help them identify areas where they can make improvements. This can lead to increased efficiency and cost savings as well as improved customer service.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

An MIS can also help small organisations improve customer satisfaction. By collecting and analysing customer data, an MIS can provide organisations with insights into what their customers want and need. This information can then be used to develop strategies to better meet customer needs and improve customer satisfaction.

Better Understanding of Competitors

An MIS can also help small organisations better understand their competitors. By collecting and analysing data from competitors, an MIS can provide organisations with insights into their competitors’ strategies and behaviour. This can help organisations develop strategies to better compete against their competitors.

Improved Communication

An MIS can also help small organisations improve communication between departments. By collecting and analysing data from different departments, an MIS can provide organisations with insights into how different departments are working together as well as how they can work together more effectively. This can lead to improved communication and collaboration between departments.

Improved Planning

An MIS can also help small organisations improve their planning processes. By collecting and analysing data from different sources, an MIS can provide organisations with insights into their current situation as well as future trends. This can help organisations develop better plans for the future and ensure that their plans are realistic and achievable.


In conclusion, an MIS can provide small organisations with a number of benefits, including improved decision making, increased efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, better understanding of competitors, improved communication and better planning. An MIS can help small organisations make more informed decisions, develop better strategies and become more efficient. It can also help organisations improve customer satisfaction and better understand their competitors. For these reasons, it is important for small organisations to invest in an MIS in order to take advantage of these benefits.

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